Add a new credit card.
How to add a new credit card to your account:
Follow these steps to add a credit card to your account so that your services automatically renew:
1. Navigate to your account manager.
2. Select the Credit Cards option within the General Information row. This will take you to a page that shows the credit cards you currently have saved on your account. If there is no saved credit card the Current Credit Cards area will be empty.
3. Click the "Add a new Credit Card" link.
4. Enter your billing information and then scroll down. You'll see a list of your current hosting accounts and their current method of payment. This area allows you to choose which of your hosting accounts to renew using the credit card information you have just entered. This is useful if you have multiple accounts that need to renew from different cards.
5. Select the accounts you would like to renew using the card you've entered and click Finish.